Réjean Peytavin (FR)

Traduslation: this term evokes a principle of sliding from one state to another, a need to retain integrity while modifying form. In his series of the same name, Réjean Peytavin borrows this sliding effect, moving from drawing to kilim to ceramics. This triptych refers to the notion of encounter and the act of opening up to the unknown (a foreign work, culture or person). Inherent in the concept of translation, dialogue and exchange extend this process, which questions our relationship to the object, its appropriation in its representation and its alteration in its reinterpretation. This plastic reformulation, a testimony to the present dedicated to the future, speaks to us of humanity, its history, and its perpetual development.

I see the vase in you, a ‘vasomancy’ session
Thursday 19 September 4 pm – 8 pm
and Friday 20 September 3 pm – 6.45 pm
Performance fee CHF 50.- 35 min/ pers., subject to availability.
Registration required info@ceramique-bruckner.ch. Payment on booking, non-refundable in the event of cancellation.

17. Galerie h + Peter Kammermann

Rue Saint-Victor 21
1227 Carouge 
022 300 17 27