Carole Chebron (FR)

Carpet(te) is a dispositive made up of porcelain stoneware arms and legs. Suspended and/or installed on the floor, they reflect and stretch out in the living space, sometimes even melting into the walls… Precious and fragile as porcelain, they are also distended and fragmented, like a bodily envelope, a skin that has been stretched too far…

With this new installation, the artist is returning to the language of the body and what it tells us about the world we live in. She also evokes the mixed feelings induced by our contemporary lives in perpetual motion.

She talks about the multiple roles we play on a daily basis, which sometimes assail us, catch up with us, stretch us, and sometimes tear us apart, literally and figuratively! About all those roles we want to play to perfection, at the risk of losing ourselves in them and experiencing a profound sense of fragmentation, only to end up as Carpet(te)

20. Espace Jörg Brockmann

ARCOOP – Rue des Noirettes 32
1227 Carouge
079 668 67 32